Katie: The deeper side..or not
Thursday, 13. June 2002
Phone call

I will have to take you back to Homecoming 2001. This is the night that Jared Rosselot and I first became something. Friends? More? Who knows. But complication arose and we remained friends. Good friends. I never felt uncomfortable around him. I was always fine being myself with him. We joked, teased but talked to each other too. Well on Reading Day (Spring), out of a drunken moment, confessed our feelings for each other. So here we are. I finally see how things are, and I'm transferring. So any hope for that, yes over. So it was a good talk on the side of the SAE house for like an hour. I cried, he held me to stop me from crying. Was I crying b/c we waited too long to tell each other, or was I crying simply because I would miss him as my friend when I went to Marshall? I still dont know to this day. But I knew then that Jared was definitely a good friend that I would extremely miss. Yesterday I went bathing suit shopping. While in the dressing room, I get a call. Its Jared, a month later. We talked for a few minutes. He said he called just to talk. I said I would call him back later at a better time. But what do I say to him? Everything changed between us that night. Things aren't the same. Ughh..


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