Katie: The deeper side..or not
Monday, 10. June 2002
Two stories in one day?

Yes, I'm writing yet again today. It is 2:17. I just got in from my lunch break. I took my salad from Wendy's to the second floor of the Student Center, where I sat on the balcony and enjoyed the day. The weather was a bit warm, but the soothing sound of the clear water rushing above the fountain and crashing below in the pool was enough to keep me out in the heat. Campus was much more lively today, with the start of summer sessions. I took a big look at campus through eyes I've never used before, and I told myself, "it will be okay" this fall. I've been anxious, and I've been nervous, I've cried my tears...but today I saw campus from a different light and I think I will be just fine. In such a short time, Morehead became my home. I dont think it was until the beginning of the 2nd semester that I truly began to feel so at home. As soon as I nestled in, it was time to go. How awful to leave my new family that I had just learned to love to something completely new. I hope to again build something as strong and solid as I built in Kentucky. I had my friends, I had my work, and I had my busy class schedule..I simply had a comfortable routine. But today when I sat on the balcony with my book, I saw Marshall Univ. as a student, not as a child of a faculty member, not as a community member myself, but as a student. I still hope that some of my family at Morehead will be able to share part of my new routine.


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