Katie: The deeper side..or not
Wednesday, 5. February 2003

Wow, I forgot how ugly this thing was until I just logged back into it! Oops, I'll have to get that changed while I'm at work tomorrow and have time to play around with it. I'll probably just go back to the original color scheme I've had since around June.

Well today has been a pretty good day! Somewhat tiring though. I had Phonetics this morning, which is my favorite class by far because we do a lot of in class transciptions and other hands on stuff. Plus I think its neat because I remember being little and seeing some of my mom's papers she was grading and all those crazy symbols looked insane to me, but now they are becoming so natural. Who would have thought I would become a Speech-Pathologist (if all goes as planned, hehe)? Surely not me!

I had Anatomy lab 3:30-5:20, which I must say absolutely sucked. She puts a big rubber maid bin of random bones out on the table. We pick up a bone, check it out, and memorize about 8 terms for different parts of the bone. I'm sorry but a bone is a bone! Come on now! I went to the Student Center to eat with Ed and Richard between lab and lecture, then it was back to the ole Science Hall for lecture 6-7:15. We got our first exams back today. Which I can't say that I was ecstatic about my grade, but I wasn't devastated so thats good right?! I got 84/110 which comes to be about a 76 percent. Its a C! I remember in high school I would have cried with that grade, no I would have sobbed!! Now I'm happy with those grades in the Science Building, its just not my cup of tea. Can you believe that someone in my class only got 18 points out of 110? I wonder if they ever came to lecture! Totally messed up us getting a curve. Ahh well. I was somewhat relieved! After lecture I headed over to Smith for our CD429: Anatomy study session with Dr. Miller and her GA. Jenni and I were the only ones who showed up so it didn't take long but it was a lot of help for learning all about the Basal Ganglia in the brain and all the other junk that surrounds it. I'm telling you, these Anatomy classes are killin me here! How boring! *YAWN!*

Anyways, last night before I went to bed one of my friends told me that her and her boyfriend broke up, so I've been thinking a lot today how hard that might be. I haven't had a true breakup since Ryan back during our senior year. But nontheless I remember how hard it was (since I thought I was madly in love with him and we would get married and all that stupid stuff you always think when you fall in love at like 16, no offense Ryan, you know I love ya as my buddy but we were both a little naive back then!) But anyways, I just can't imagine going through that right now, and I feel really sorry for her. I knew she had just gotten out of a not so good relationship and had just gotten over a breakup. I mean back in high school, all I had going on was sports and school. But now I have school, work, RA stuff, etc, I just can't imagine being crushed like that. Don't get me wrong, I would love to find someone that is great for me, but I am so pick I think because I dont want to get hurt. I don't think I could handle it right now, I've got so much going on right now and any disruption of my schedule might be too tough for me now. That sounds selfish doesn't it? It isn't intended to be that way! But my main focus is on me, and my friends of course. And I guess that how it should be, I'm here to get an education and when someone perfect for me comes along I will know, and I wont be scared to get involved because they will understand everything I have going on, etc. Okay, I know that was way jumbled up, but thats how my thoughts are right now..not very clear at all. :)

Time to get studying for Latin and Anatomy! Wish me luck!


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