Katie: The deeper side..or not
Friday, 2. August 2002
"Its the most wonderful time of the year" -Staples commercial

School starts in 24 days..eeeek! Part of me is ready, part of me isn't. I want the campus to be booming. I really want to be able to meet new people. Yes, I even want to start classes, I want to jump into my major...let the journey begin. As soon as school starts, football will start as well. I love football season (well maybe I love Autumn and football is just a big part of it for my family, not that I am a huge football fan, its just the atmosphere). This year I have more of a reason to watch since I've met a few of the guys through Luke, and to watch Luke himself. I really hated that Morehead's sports were so weak, nobody ever went to the games! I can't wait to get my dorm room set up into my new home. Eventho its going to take a lot of work to do that. Imagine all my CRAP that has to be hauled up there. My last day working here in Computing Services will be August 15th and my RA training starts the 16th (what a great break I get).

... Link

Thursday, 1. August 2002

12.5 %

My weblog owns 12.5 % of me.
Does your weblog own you?

... Link

Wednesday, 31. July 2002

The timing is bad...
Why does the timing always work against me?
They say timing is everything.
But what do you do when the timing is wrong?
Do you wait?
Will there be a better time?
Do you throw in the towel?
Maybe you hang around...
Follow your heart?
Is it wise to follow your heart?
Time must be the hearts worst enemy.

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