Katie: The deeper side..or not
Monday, 2. June 2003

Well today is move in day..okay, actually tomorrow was the scheduled move in day but I got the keys on Friday and its supposed to rain tomorrow so we are just kinda trying to get things in before tomorrow. At least the big stuff. I went to class today at 8:00 and met my mom at the apartment at 12:30 to eat lunch and so she could drop off a car load of things. I came to work at 1 and Judith, my boss, told me to go ahead and leave..I just needed to come back and cover from 4-5, how nice is that? So I headed straight home, packed up my car with my piles of stuff in the computer room that has been sitting there waiting since I got out of the dorms, and headed right back to the apartment to unload. My parents came down about a half an hour later with Heather's bigger TV that we stored at our house, my bed, and a few other things. After I get off work at 5 I am running home to eat and then load up the car for yet another trip. Busy night ahead..I must get going! :)

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