Katie: The deeper side..or not
Tuesday, 4. March 2003
Been awhile..again.

Well I have really been slacking on this thing...Not that there isn't a lot going on, because there is..Oh trust me. But this time...for once, something deep and meaningful is going on and I'm swamped with confusion, but I feel that its really something I need to deal with myself and I would rather the whole world (or the small group of people at MU that read this;) ) not get into it (eventhough we all know that some people get involved in my business when they shouldnt..but that isn't too important right now).

School is going okay...its about to be going a lot better now that I don't have BSC227: Human Anatomy. Its hard getting through it though....because I honestly just can't wait till summer and about moving into the apartment. But we are only half way there....so I guess a more realistic goal would be trying to make it to Spring Break, which I am looking forward to. No crazy times for me~ But instead I think I am going to Atlanta with my parents for the week ( I talked them into going ) so we can spend some time with my family and mainly relax while we are there. Too bad I can't go to Panama! :)

Well..about the RA job...I'm really I had the opportunity to do it, but I'm really excited about getting out of the dorms...I could say more, but I wont ;)

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