Katie: The deeper side..or not
Monday, 10. February 2003

I think I've got a case of the Monday's....

Its only Monday and I'm exhausted! Isn't that pathetic?

My day has been okay so far...minus the horrible weather. It started off as snow, but ended up being more like rain. This snow thing is really becoming a nuisance. Either snow enough to give us a day off, or don't snow at all. Enough complaining about the weather...

Classes might kill me this week~
English paper that was due today got pushed back till Wednesday, so that sucks that I was up late last night working on it. Have quite a few journal entries to catch up on for English but I have the weekend for that too so there is no major crunch for it real soon. Of course there are always latin quizzes and latin translations that are a good time taker upper :) Anatomy studying to do, as always~ Cd429 Anatomy project due on Friday, Gotta love all this crap. Oh and tomorrow I have my first Phonetics transcription! RA Program tonight - "Valentines Singles Program" oh I think it was targeted at me! Being single and all!

I can't wait till the weekend~ oh yes I can, its Valentines weekend! But I have some really cute Valentines Day PJ's from Old Navy that I'm satisfied to wear, do homework, and play cards with the girls. Oh wait ~ the girls will be out with their men! Okay, so the homework thing is sounding better and better! The funny thing is, I'm not big on Valentines Day either, I think its rather dumb. Why do you need a designated day to tell someone you love them and to show it, if you love them~ wouldn't you be showing it every day?

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Pictures from Friday!

Keg party at Amber and Courtney's apartment Friday...with all my best buds! Gotta love being the DD on your night off! but I'm good at it at least!!!!!

Amber, Cassie and Katie~ my girls!

Jake, my resident..well he might as well live on my floor!!!
Oh and the cup is filled with Kool-Aid and Ice to wash down the kick ass brownies...no drinking for me!! Courtney said she would back me up on that one....gotta set an example, you know how it is. Plus Andreas idea of getting a sugar rush sounded so tempting ;)

I couldn't even explain if I had to! But anyways this is John and Ed...

Me and my buddy Tank!

Omar and I...looking good of course ;)

Jay, I think :) Some guy that was there at the party and was around the camera! lol

Cassie, Jay and I....doing whatever!

Courtney and I..oh and Andrea sneaking in throught the back! :)

Kristin and Cassie...gotta love wasting film at the last minute in Walmart!

Tracey (one of my residents) and I hanging out. (another reason to stay sober..being a good example!)

Oh trust me..the night gets a little crazier..I'll add more later!

Oh, and FYI..if you want to look at old pictures, etc...all you have to do is go to Search and type in pics or pictures and you'll get my archive of them all!!!! You can do this if you're looking for your name, etc too to see if you were mentioned in the diary of Katie McComas ;) hehe.

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